March 31, 2011
Just want to gripe…..
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything,
but in every circumstance and in everything,
BY PRAYER and petition [definite requests],
continue to make your requests known to God.
Pray the Word:
Lord, after listening to myself, I’m seeing that too often I come to You in ‘prayer’ with my complaints & gripes but with very little thanksgiving. It feels good to gripe . . . . BUT IT DOESN”T BRING SOLUTIONS or PEACE. THANKSGIVING settles the mind & brings peace to the heart. Let me start now by thanking You for LIFE today & all the opportunities & blessings that are ahead of me!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 30, 2011
Need to lose weight?
LET US LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT [anything that would hold us down]
and [let us lay aside] that sin [the ‘thing’ that always keeps us from running a successful race] which so readily clings to and entangles us [causing us to fall and fail],
and LET US RUN with patience [endurance, steady and active persistence] the appointed course of the race that is set before us.
Pray the Word:
Lord, my utmost desire is to be able to run [not crawl or walk] this race my eternal destination – help me to know what is that’s holding me down & give me the ability to SHED THE WEIGHT of anything that would keep me from the finish line!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 29, 2011
Just when I need Him most
Let us then boldly [fearless and confident] DRAW NEAR TO THE THRONE OF GRACE [the seat of God's favor to us],
that we may RECEIVE MERCY [forgiveness & understanding]
and FIND GRACE [unearned favor] to help [appropriate and well-timed help]
Pray the Word:
Lord, I thank you that I received mercy & found grace through Jesus Christ! It opened the door for me to come straight to Your Throne in fearless confidence & talk with You – friend as friend [just think of that. . . . ! ! ! !] In my every time of need, You are only a prayer away. Ready to help me. Ready to guide & support me. Just when I need You most.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 28, 2011
Right before your eyes
At that time [God’s timing]
I will BRING YOU IN [draw close to you];
yes, at that time [God’s timing]
I will GATHER YOU [ purposely arrange],
for I will MAKE YOU A NAME [because of your faithful character]
and I will MAKE YOU A PRAISE [approved] among all the nations of the earth
when I reverse your captivity [release what has held you back]
BEFORE YOUR EYES, says the Lord.
Pray the Word:
Lord, if I can only keep myself from jumping ahead of You in haste to try to ‘make things happen’, I’m certain that You will [at the right time & in time] release what’s been held back from me for whatever reason. I can hardly believe the evidence of my own eyes when I see what incredible & awesome things You bring about for me. I want to wait on You!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 27, 2011
Wasted days & wasted nights
For we also were once thoughtless and senseless,
obstinate and disobedient,
deluded and misled;
slaves to all sorts of cravings and pleasures,
[WASTING OUR DAYS] living in malice and jealousy and envy,
hateful (hated, detestable)
and hating one another.
Pray the Word:
Lord, how many hours, days, weeks & years of my life has been WASTED living & re-living ‘somebody done me wrong’? May I realize more & more how very short this life is & behave myself everyday in a way that I‘ll have no regrets if it happens to be my last.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 26, 2011
I can’t remember. . . .
Is. 43: 25
for My own sake [not because of your intrinsic worth but because of My mercy & grace],
and I WILL NOT REMEMBER your sins. [I will not bring them up against you].
Pray the Word:
Lord, we do remember our sins, our faults & our failures. They aren’t erased from our memory. BUT. . . the fact that they are ALL DISMISSED BECAUSE of CHRIST & they will never be brought up against us again, causes us to not only rejoice but to never again grieve You by disobedience.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 25, 2011
The Pursuit of Happyness. . . .
I Tim. 6: 6
But GODLINESS [living in obedience to God]
accompanied with CONTENTMENT [peace of mind]
is great and abundant gain.
Pray the Word:
Lord, I will make every effort to live today in peace and calm. Life is all too short to grumble over every misfortune or mishap. If I can’t change the circumstances which surround me, at least I can be the master of them as I ask You to help me to meet whatever life brings my way.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 24, 2011
Make Up Your Mind____
Joel 3: 14
Multitudes, multitudes in the VALLEY of DECISION [needing to make up their mind]!
For the day of the Lord [when judgment begins]
is near [not yet here – but a space of time God provides for people to turn to Him]
Pray the Word:
Lord, there’ve been times when it’s been hard to make up my mind & make a firm, confident decision. . . I’ve found myself standing at a fork in the road, not knowing which way to turn, feeling confused. Perhaps, the confusion & lack of being able to make a decision was that I failed to realize that there are not multiple choices to pick from – there’s only one I need to make. . . & that’s to turn to You & trust You.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 23, 2011

II Cor. 4: 8 – 10
We are HEDGED IN and PRESSED on every side [TROUBLED &OPPRESSED in every way], but not cramped or crushed;
we SUFFER EMBARASSMENTS and are PERPLEXED and UNABLE TO FIND A WAY OUT, but not driven to despair;
We are pursued (PERSECUTED and HARD DRIVEN), but not deserted [to stand alone];
we are STRUCK DOWN TO THE GROUND, but never struck out and destroyed;
Always CARRYING ABOUT IN THE BODY [physically, mentally & emotionally] the liability and exposure to the same putting to death that the Lord Jesus suffered,
so that the resurrection life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in our bodies.
Pray the Word:
Lord, I perplex myself every time I resort to whining, ‘Why me? I don’t deserve this. I didn’t ask for this!’. Well . . . . remind me that I did ASK FOR THIS when I ASKED JESUS INTO MY LIFE & said I’d follow Him. It’s not about ME – it is all about HIM.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 22, 2011
But. . . I have plans!
Prov. 16:9
but the LORD DIRECTS his steps and makes them sure.
Pray the Word:
but the LORD DIRECTS his steps and makes them sure.
Pray the Word:
Lord, sad to admit, but, there’s probably been a lot of plans I’ve made that I earnestly asked You to make happen, that ultimately were neither for my good or Your glory. I thank You that You steered me away from hurtful & dangerous unseen obstacles while I mistakenly thought that You were not answering my prayers.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 21, 2011
Kangaroo Court
Rom. 2: 1
Therefore, you are INEXCUSABLE [have no excuse or defense or justification], O man,
whoever you are WHO JUDGES and CONDEMS ANOTHER.
For in posing as [self-appointed] judge and passing sentence on another,
you condemn yourself [your judgment of another is worse than what they did or said],
because you who judge are practicing the very same things [that you censure and denounce].
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s not even within us to be able to pass RIGHT judgment on anyone!______Who among us really knows the depths of another person’s thought or intent, but You alone? I’m certainly not JUDGE or JURY for I am among all mankind who have or will be judged by You – the Righteous Judge.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 20, 2011
I just don’t understand___
Is. 55: 8 – 9
For MY thoughts are not YOUR thoughts,
neither are YOUR ways MY ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are MY ways higher than YOUR ways
and MY thoughts than YOUR thoughts.
Pray the Word:
Lord, thank goodness You aren’t on my level of thinking & aren’t limited to my narrow reasoning!!! Increase my faith in You to view things that happen to me from Your eternal perspective & not from my human senses that’s bound by time.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 19, 2011
The Eye of the Soul
Acts 24: 16
Therefore [because I believe there will be a resurrection, both of the just and unjust, and that every man shall be judged for the deeds done in the body]
I always exercise and DISPCIPLINE MYSELF [mortifying my body, deadening my carnal affections, bodily appetites, and worldly desires, endeavoring in all respects]
to have a CLEAR (unshaken, blameless) CONSCIENCE [the EYE of the SOUL],
VOID of OFFENSE toward God AND toward men.
Pray the Word:
Lord, this lets me know that MY CONSCIENCE is there to let me SEE CLEARLY how to discipline my soul [my mind, my will, & my emotions] so that my conduct will not be displeasing to You or intentionally cause hurt or harm anyone. Forgive me for the times that I’ve overrode what my conscience was telling me.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 18, 2011
Feel like you’ve been run over by a Mack truck?
II Sam. 22:30
Ps. 18: 29
For BY YOU I can RUN THROUGH A TROOP [my enemies];
By MY GOD I can LEAP OVER A WALL [obstacles placed in my way].
Pray the Word:
Lord, in all honesty, there are times that I feel just the opposite ---- like I’ve been RUN OVER by a troop & WALKED INTO a wall. These are the times [when things are not going right & I feel defeated] that I realize my need to learn to trust in You without fear & to be able to continue to praise You until I can. . . . . . . . . . . RUN THROUGH my enemies & LEAP OVER the obstacles placed in my way!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 17, 2011
Who’s listening?
Acts 16: 25
But at MIDNIGHT [in their darkest hour],
as Paul and Silas [who had been beat, thrown in the INNER prison & their feet chained in stocks]
were PRAYING and SIGNING hymns of praise to God,
SUDDENLY there was a great earthquake,
so that the very foundations of THE PRISON WERE SHAKEN;
and at once ALL THE DOORS were open
and EVERYONE’S shackles were unfastened.
Pray the Word:
Lord, as others are listening & watching how I handle my darkest hour; trying to see if there’s any hope in theirs…..may I be able to SING TO THE TOP of MY LUNGS [so that the devil can hear]. . . . . Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but, now, am found, was blind, but, now I see!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 16, 2011
Nothing stays the same. . . . . except
The grass WITHERS [wilts & dies becoming a thing of the past],
the flower FADES [becomes colorless & disappears],
BUT the word of our God will STAND [endure without harm, damage or giving way] forever.
Pray the Word:
Lord, there’s not anything in this life that doesn’t change or go away over time. I’ve found the only exception to that is in Your Word which has not & does not change. I thank You that in all the season’s of life that have come & gone, Your Word has & will remain the same. It will take us through to the end!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 15, 2011
Not Being a part of the System
I have told you these things,
so that IN ME you may have [perfect] peace and confidence.
IN THE WORLD [the system in the heart of mankind that’s FOR SELF & AGAINST GOD]
you have tribulation [trials, distress and frustration];
but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]!
For I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s not this literal world we see of the trees, flowers, sky, etc. that’s harmful to me. It is the spirit in this world of a methodical & organized system that pits our selfish gratifications against Your system of love. Please keep me alert to this WORLD SYSTEM that can invade my heart & mind so quickly. Remind me to stay in Your victory circle!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 14, 2011
This is the PITS. . .
For the grave [the place of the dead] cannot praise [confess and reach out the hand to] You, death cannot praise and rejoice in You;
they who go down to THE PIT [despair and hopelessness where life seems not worth living] cannot hope for Your faithfulness [to Your promises; their probation is at an end, their destiny is sealed].
The living, the living [those who chose LIVING LIFE even in their PIT of despair]
--they shall thank and praise You, as I do this day;
the father shall make known to the children Your faithfulness and Your truth.
Pray the Word:
Lord, thank you for the hope we’ve been given through the love of Jesus Christ that even when we find ourselves in THE PIT of despair [torment and suffering for whatever reason], Your almighty Hand is reaching toward us to lift us out of the deep, miry clay that’s trying to suck us down.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 13, 2011
The Only Real Peace
Phil. 4:7
[that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, THAT PEACE]
which TRANSENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING shall garrison {and} mount GUARD OVER YOUR HEARTS and MINDS in Christ Jesus.
Pray the Word:
Lord. . . . . . there are times in our lives when the breath is knocked out of us and we’re gasping for air to survive. We’ve looked all around us [literally & spiritually] and can’t seem to get any relief or find any answers……..then, THERE, in our darkest hole here comes a PEACE melting over us that is of a very different nature from all that can arise humanly… is the PEACE which Christ purchased for me, and which God dispenses, but can be explained by none. THERE I WILL REST!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 12, 2011
Do first & ask forgiveness later. . . unh-unh!
I Sam. 15:22
Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
[The answer to that question is:]
and to hearken [better than] than the fat of rams [the choicest part of all the sacrifice].
Pray the Word:
Lord, I want to glorify You and deny myself more by being obedient to Your Word & Will, first of all, then I won’t feel it necessary to have to do penitence through some sort of sacrifice – for sacrifice is a feeble attempt to take away what obedience would have prevented.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 11, 2011
Going Deeper
Jn. 4:23
when the TRUE [genuine] WORSHIPERS
will WORSHIP the Father in SPIRIT [for God is a Spirit]
and in TRUTH [genuine w/no pretense];
for the Father is SEEKING [searching for] just such people as these as HIS WORSHIPPERS.
Pray the Word:
Lord, there’s a deeper experience of worship to You that we’ve probably not arrived at yet – let me see how to worship You in my SPIRIT [that part of man that was made in His image & likeness – for God is a Spirit] rather than just through my SOUL [that part of man that is the mind, will & emotions].
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 10, 2011
This is not logical…
Josh. 6:2-3
And the Lord said to Joshua,
See [understand this!],
I [alone] have given Jericho, its king and mighty men of valor, into your hands.
[success was assured before the conflict BUT this is how it’s going to be done..]
You shall march around [NO military action] the enclosure,
all the men of war [military men] going around the city once.
[don’t draw your sword to fight – just walk!]
This you shall do for six days.
Pray the Word:
Lord, no doubt the people said, ‘you’ve got to be kidding? This is ridiculous and absurd to think we’ll conquer by just walking around this city when we have a powerful military’. Well, they listened to You & it happened as You said that they might learn to expect success not from their own valor, or skill, but from Your appointment and blessing. Increase my trust in You to follow orders even when it’s not logical…….
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 9, 2011
Hey, will you keep it quiet….?
Therefore, everyone who ACKNOWLEDGES Me
[admits under pressure] before men
[admits openly to following Me],
I will also ACKNOWLEDGE him
before My Father Who is in heaven
{and} CONFESS [that I am abiding in] him.
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s easier on us & more tolerated by our present global culture to ‘keep it quiet’. I know the difference between an obnoxious & loud mouth ‘Christian’ & a follower of Jesus Christ who backs up their mouth with their life. I will continue to openly acknowledge AND confess You as Savior & Lord of my life.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 8, 2011
What’s that in the sky?. . . .
Deut.. 33:26
WHO RIDES [moves/travels] THROUGH THE HEAVENS to your help
and in His majestic glory [moves/travels] THROUGH THE SKIES.
Pray the Word:
Lord, there’s so much more going on in the heaven/universe above us that we’re unaware of. Can we even comprehend it? How great is Your love to us that You are ready to travel through the skies to our help. Increase the awareness of my spirit to Your eternal activity above & around me.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 7, 2011
Disability Insurance
Mk. 3:4
And He [Jesus] glanced around at them [the Pharisees] with vexation {and} anger, grieved at the hardening of their hearts,
and said to the man, [with the withered hand]
Hold out your [withered] hand. [his DISABILITY]
He held [stretched] it out, [gave Jesus his DISABILITY]
and his hand was [completely] restored.
Pray the Word:
Lord, you found the person with the greatest DISABILITY [limitation] and asked him to do what he knew he couldn’t possibly do on his own……stretch out his withered hand. When he gave You want You asked for, he received back what had been taken from him. Increase my faith that I will stretch out my limitations to You.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 6, 2011
Absolutely ABSOLUTE!
Absolutely ABSOLUTE!
Ex. 3:14
And God said to Moses,
and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites:
I AM has sent me to you!
Pray the Word:
Lord, we’re surrounded by a world where people doubt & disregard that there’s absolute ‘truth’, largely because they doubt & disregard that there’s an absolute ‘Creator/Being’ who exists independently above & beyond anyone/anything—the I AM. So. . . . . . just how marvelous is it that I can not only know that You [the I AM] is real but You [the I AM] lives within me through Your Son, Jesus Christ!!!!!!
Ex. 3:14
And God said to Moses,
and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites:
I AM has sent me to you!
Pray the Word:
Lord, we’re surrounded by a world where people doubt & disregard that there’s absolute ‘truth’, largely because they doubt & disregard that there’s an absolute ‘Creator/Being’ who exists independently above & beyond anyone/anything—the I AM. So. . . . . . just how marvelous is it that I can not only know that You [the I AM] is real but You [the I AM] lives within me through Your Son, Jesus Christ!!!!!!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 5, 2011
Where He Leads me. . . . I will follow????

I will follow????
Matt. 4:1
Then Jesus WAS LED [guided, shown the way, escorted]
INTO THE WILDERNESS [hopeless, depressing, forsaken place]
TO BE TEMPTED [tested & tried]
by the devil.
Pray the Word:
Lord, at first we want to say ‘are you kidding me? Why would You escort us into wilderness places where we seem forsaken & hopeless?’ Now I understand. Jesus was escorted by Your H.S. to a forsaken place NOT TO BE DEFEATED but TO BE TESTED & TRIED. The outcome was His choice. Help me to trust where You are leading!
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 4, 2011
I Need an Answer . . . Now!
Joseph answered Pharaoh,
[a God-fearing man with great wisdom & understanding]
GOD [not I]
Pray the Word:
Lord, we’re in a time that causes us to live in a hurried pace needing to have answers for situations & circumstances NOW. It pushes us to look for the answers from the wrong places/people. Help me to be patient while waiting on You to give my answers of peace.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 3, 2011
Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure
Lk. 12: 34
For where your TREASURE IS,
[where you have buried things for safe keeping that are precious & gives you security]
………..THERE will your heart be also.
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s true, when we think about it. Our minds & lives are pretty much consumed with what we feel are our TREASURES…........what makes us feel safe & secure. We spend A LOT of time & energy making sure our TREASURES don’t go away while trying to build more. Now I see that I am spending way too much time THERE. Help me to stay balanced.
Lk. 12: 34
For where your TREASURE IS,
[where you have buried things for safe keeping that are precious & gives you security]
………..THERE will your heart be also.
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s true, when we think about it. Our minds & lives are pretty much consumed with what we feel are our TREASURES…........what makes us feel safe & secure. We spend A LOT of time & energy making sure our TREASURES don’t go away while trying to build more. Now I see that I am spending way too much time THERE. Help me to stay balanced.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 2, 2011
‘I want to be JUST LIKE YOU….”
‘I want to be JUST LIKE YOU….”
I Thess. 1:6
And you [set yourselves to] BECOME IMITATORS of US
and [through us] of the Lord Himself,
for you welcomed our message in [spite of] much persecution,
with joy [inspired] by the Holy Spirit.
Pray the Word:
Lord, what if……….others wanted to be JUST LIKE ME? ….to model and mimic how I handle things & what I say. Well, in that case, me & You have some work to do! Lead me & I will follow.
I Thess. 1:6
And you [set yourselves to] BECOME IMITATORS of US
and [through us] of the Lord Himself,
for you welcomed our message in [spite of] much persecution,
with joy [inspired] by the Holy Spirit.
Pray the Word:
Lord, what if……….others wanted to be JUST LIKE ME? ….to model and mimic how I handle things & what I say. Well, in that case, me & You have some work to do! Lead me & I will follow.
Daily Scripture Coverage
March 1, 2011
Embrace the Grace
Embrace the Grace
I Cor. 15:10
But by the GRACE (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God I am what I am,
and His GRACE toward me was not [found to be] for nothing (fruitless and without effect).
In fact, I worked harder than all of them [the apostles],
though it was not really I,
but the GRACE (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God which was with me.
Pray the Word:
Lord, most of the time we feel like we’re having to do it all on our own strength and ability. But, then, we realize, that if it had not been for Your GRACE covering all our efforts, they would’ve failed. I intend to embrace [keep a grip on] Your GRACE.
I Cor. 15:10
But by the GRACE (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God I am what I am,
and His GRACE toward me was not [found to be] for nothing (fruitless and without effect).
In fact, I worked harder than all of them [the apostles],
though it was not really I,
but the GRACE (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God which was with me.
Pray the Word:
Lord, most of the time we feel like we’re having to do it all on our own strength and ability. But, then, we realize, that if it had not been for Your GRACE covering all our efforts, they would’ve failed. I intend to embrace [keep a grip on] Your GRACE.
Daily Scripture Coverage
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