July 31, 2011

Disturbing the atmosphere

Disturbing the atmosphere

Acts 16: 25-26
And AT MIDNIGHT [in their darkest hour – while others were asleep]

Paul and Silas PRAYED, [probably for themselves: for deliverance, for support under their present afflictions; for grace to enable them to bear up with patience and cheerfulness; for their enemies: maybe for the jailer, who had mistreated them; and for the churches for all the saints, and for the spread and success of the Gospel]

and SANG PRAISES unto God: [cheerful - even though they had been beaten, their feet were in the stocks, and they were in the innermost prison in a most disgusting and uncomfortable condition; and though they might be in expectation of greater punishment, and of death itself; but also that they were thankful and glorified God, who had counted them worthy to suffer for his name's sake]

and the PRISONERS HERD THEM. [praying and singing out loud - intensely and loudly]

And SUDDENLY there was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE, [not from natural causes of wind being pent up in the earth, but from their prayers and praises going up to heaven – and God was pleased to show His presence and power this way]

so that the foundations of the prison WERE SHAKEN: [and yet the structure did not fall down as is usual when the foundation was shaken]

And IMMEDIATELY ALL THE DOORS WERE OPENED, [outer and inner prison doors - which is another unusual effect of earthquakes]

and EVERYONE’S BANDS WERE LOOSED. [miraculous! for when was it ever known that such an effect had ever followed an earthquake?]

Pray the Word:
Lord, if what we hear is true . . . . that  NASA researchers say they have found a close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below  . . . . .dare WE to pray and sing Your praises in our times of distress with such electric intensity and earnestness that it will disturb the atmosphere?

July 30, 2011

What’s the meaning of this?

What’s the meaning of this?

Jn. 13: 3-5,12
Jesus, knowing and fully aware that the Father had put everything into His hands,

and that He had come from God and was now returning to God, [knowing there was a ‘plan’ in place by God that would turn out just as He intended it]
Got up from supper, [just as He had previously risen from His throne of glory]
took off His garments, [just as He had laid aside His glory when He came into the world in the fleshly state]
and taking a [servant's] towel, He fastened it around His waist. [taking the nature and role of a slave]
Then He poured water into the washbasin [just as in a few hours He was to pour out His own blood in death]

and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. [picturing the very act of applying the cleansing of His own blood to human lives]

So when He had finished washing their feet
and had put on His garments
and had sat down again, [just as after He had provided cleansing for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven]

He said to them,

Pray the Word:
Lord, shall we doubt Your love for us? By showing the disciples the WHOLE MEANING OF YOUR MINISTRY, You have shown us that by rising from Your throne of glory, laying aside the right of Your own deity, taking the form of a servant, pouring out Your blood, and resuming Your place at the Father's right hand . . . . we have redemption [salvation – deliverance - liberation] and the right to become children of God and call Him, Father! WHAT IS THE MEAING OF ALL THIS? . . . . NO MORE ORPHANS!

July 29, 2011

Regardless . . . there’s no doubt

Regardless . . .  there’s no doubt

Is. 43:1-4 (Message Bible)
But now, God's Message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob, the One who got you started, Israel:

"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you.
   I've called your name. You're mine.

WHEN YOU ARE IN OVER YOUR HEAD, I'll be there with you.

   When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.

When you're between a rock and a hard place,
   it won't be a dead end—

Because I am God, your personal God,
   The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
   all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!

That's how much you mean to me!
   That's how much I love you!
I'd sell off the whole world to get you back,
   trade the creation just for you.

Pray the Word:
Lord, thank you for always being near, even when we’re not conscious of your nearness or that Your divine intervention is at work. Regardless, we do believe that you are near even when we feel alone and your presence seems so far away. In those times, dear God, please give us confidence and perseverance to stand through the times of trial so that we can also share in Your times of triumph.

July 28, 2011

Called to STAND . . SERVE . . BURN

Called to STAND . .  SERVE  . .  BURN

2 Chron. 29:11
My sons,

do not now be negligent, [now is not the time to be apathetic, inactive or slow to respond in your service to God]


TO STAND in His presence, [with moral clarity, strength & courage]

TO SERVE Him, [lay down your lives . . . and ‘wash feet’]

TO BE HIS MINISTERS, [rightly represent Him at all times to others]

and TO BURN INCENSE to Him. [pray with non-stop gratitude even in times of despair]

Pray the Word:
Lord, ‘life’ has a way of disillusioning us. Our disappointments and, seemingly, failed efforts have left us from time to time with feelings of hopelessness and discouragement; and we’ve lost some of our courage and confidence along the way. We ask for renewed vision to the fact that You are the One who chose us for our ‘life assignment’ and that it will be You who gives us the power to STAND . . to SERVE . . to be YOUR MINISTER at all times  . . and to BURN the INCENSE of worship to You.

July 27, 2011

How far to the edge can I get without falling off?

How far to the edge can I get without falling off?

I Cor. 10:23
ALL THINGS ARE LAWFUL to me [legitimate / not sinful in themselves],

BUT NOT ALL THINGS ARE EXPEDIENT [appropriate or profitable to be done always, and in all places and before all persons if it would be hurtful or offensive].


BUT NOT ALL THINGS ARE EDIFYING [constructive to character and to spiritual life].

Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s a dangerous question to ask, “how far to the edge can I get without falling off?" May we not take for granted all that You have done for us in our lives or become complacent in our walk with you by pushing the limits to see how much we can get away with or seeing how far we can go and be guilty of testing You. Rather, our determination is to stay as close to You as we possibly can. We want to become more like Christ and have an impact on our world!

July 26, 2011

Just be specific

Just be specific

Mk. 14:13-16
Jesus sent two of his followers into the city. Jesus said to them, "Go into the CITY.

You will see a man carrying a JAR OF WATER.

THE MAN will come to you.

Follow that man.

That man will walk into a HOUSE.

Tell the person who owns the house, 'The Teacher asks that you show us the room where he and his followers can eat the Passover meal.'

The owner will show you a LARGE ROOM UPSTAIRS.

This room is ready for you.

Prepare the FOOD for us there."

So the followers left and went into the city.

Everything happened the way Jesus said.

So the followers prepared the Passover meal.

Pray the Word:
Lord, today as we look back at Your promises to us and we sometimes feel like You ‘might have forgotten’ . . .  we’re again reminded from Your unchanging Word that the disciples of Jesus "found everything just as Jesus had said [promised]" they would find things – from the specific city, specific jar of water, specific man carrying the jar of water, specific house, specific room, and the specific food. This is another prompting for us to know that what You have promised, You will cause to come to pass, and that we will find everything we need, when we need it - just as Jesus promised us! What great comfort!

July 25, 2011

Majestic mountains

Majestic mountains

Ps. 125:1-2
Those who trust in, lean on, and confidently hope in the Lord [who don’t lean on their own understanding and abilities but find their assurance and security in the Lord]

are like MOUNT ZION, [an emblem of firmness and stability]

which CANNOT BE MOVED but abides and stands fast forever [a place strong by position and under divine protection]

As the MOUNTAINS are round about Jerusalem, [encompassing them as a shield]

SO THE LORD IS ROUND ABOUT HIS PEOPLE from henceforth even forever.

Pray the Word:
Lord, how incredible is it to know that You have mountainous walls of protection around us - shielding us with Your favor and loving-kindness, encircling us in Your arms of everlasting love;  guarding us by Your divine intervention, and keeping a wakeful and watchful eye over us that nothing takes us by surprise to hurt us!

July 24, 2011

Power outage

Power outage

Matt. 13:57-58
And they took offense at Him [by misjudging Him, thinking Him ordinary].

But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not WITHOUT HONOR [not shown respect] except in his own country and in his own house. [those who should be the closest to Him]


because of their unbelief [dishonor lead to unbelief – which lead to forfeiting His blessings].
Pray the Word:
Lord, it’s incomprehensible to us that anyone could dishonor the Lord Jesus . . . what were these people thinking? . . . . Didn’t they know that by treating Jesus without honor and respect they stopped Him dead in His tracks to be able to do any MIGHTY WORKS OF POWER among them??? But could it be, at the times when we‘ve wondered why we weren’t seeing Your MIGHTY WORKS OF POWER in our lives, we were not living in honor of Your Lordship --- or our human assumptions were outweighing Your authority --- or that our unbelief was shutting us off from the power of Your blessings? Could we be part of the cause of the POWER OUTAGE we’re experiencing today? We ask for forgiveness and for strength of conviction to live our lives daily in honor and respect to You, our Savior and Lord!

July 23, 2011

Tell me something new . . . . pa-lease!

Tell me something new   . . . .  pa-lease!

2 Tim. 1:13-14

HOLD FAST [keep and don’t let go of] THE PATTERN [the plan] OF SOUND TEACHING [the principles of the Plan of Salvation] WHICH YOU HAVE HEARD from me,

IN ALL FAITH [which recognizes the teaching] AND LOVE [which simplifies the teaching to live it out] that are for us in Christ Jesus.

BY THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Who makes His home in us.

Pray the Word:
Lord, to some the STORY of SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST may grow old and tiresome, and they feel that they need to add something ‘new’ to it; but, we who have been saved by grace never grow tired of hearing THE OLD, OLD STORY which not only comforts, assures, and edifies, but is the highest motivation for greater love, holiness and service to You.
[Hymn written in 1866]
I love to tell the story, for those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song,
’Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.
I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

July 22, 2011

The sun will come up tomorrow

The sun will come up tomorrow

Eccl. 1:5
THE SUN ALSO RISES [without fail, each day it appears in the east]

and the sun goes down, [looks as if it goes down in the west but it makes no stop as it pursues its course in the same track to again appear in the east]

AND HASTENS TO [as a runner pants with eagerness] THE PLACE WHERE IT RISES. [excited to get to the place where it rises in the morning to bring a new day]

Pray the Word:
Lord, we so want to be able to get up each morning realizing we’re experiencing the birth of a new Day. In it lies the promise of an unspoiled day and a brand new chance to make this day something new, fine, and immortal. May we not forget how we make our life new every morning . . . . . . . .  we move forward and upward with our faces fixed on the smiling glowing east where the sun will always appear bringing a new day.

July 21, 2011

Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?

I Kgs. 19:11-12
And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.


and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind;

and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;

And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire;

and after the fire, a still, small voice. [a sound with which no other sound was mingled]

When Elijah heard the voice, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave.

And behold, there came a voice to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah?

Pray the Word:
Lord, we usually are looking for the spectacular to occur when we’re needing to hear from You. But all we really need is just THE WHISPER OF YOUR VOICE to bring us out of the ‘cave of depression’ where we sometimes have found ourselves. Help us to understand that’s it’s better to hear that still small voice that has no other confusion mingled with it—because that means that we’re close enough to You we CAN HEAR THE WHISPER.

July 20, 2011

Lifetime Guarantee

Lifetime Guarantee

Philippians 1:6

And I AM CONFIDENT, [have no doubt and am fully convinced and persuaded]

that He Who BEGAN a good work in you [in the past with God’s unchangeable purpose]

will CONTINUE [in the present with God’s unlimited power]
DEVELOPING and PERFECTING it in you, [bringing it to full completion]

until the day of Jesus Christ. [in the future with God’s unbreakable promise]

Pray the Word:
Lord, we are fully confident that You are at work in our life. We are convinced You are in control. We may chafe, doubt and despair of any progress at all. We may be angry and discouraged and want to give up. But we are persuaded that You don’t change and are faithful. . . . . So what is left for us? . . . Simply to place ourselves in Your hands. To cooperate with the Master Design as You shape us into the image of what You want us to be. We take heart because You are at work in our life and will not stop until the job is done.

July 19, 2011

Support group

Support group

Ezra 10:4

, [get up off the ground!]

for IT IS YOUR DUTY, [you have been called by God – so take charge!]

and WE ARE WITH YOU. [there are those who will help and assist you and who believe in you]

BE STRONG and BRAVE and DO IT. [don’t despair in the opposition, act decisively and don’t back down]

Pray the Word:
Lord, show us those we are to identify ourselves with whom You have placed in key positions to accomplish Your Kingdom work here on earth; that we can help, assist and support them to get done what You have charged them to do. . . . . and, by the way, Lord, would you  please send those our way who will do the same for us in what You have called us to do . .  Thanks!  

July 18, 2011

Not GOD-enough to handle it

Not GOD-enough to handle it

Gen. 11:7
[Concerning the Tower of Babel - Hebrew translation means  ‘confusion’]

Come, let Us go down [serious enough that God - the Father, Son & Holy Spirit all came on the scene]

and there CONFOUND their language, [frustrate the situation and prevent them from succeeding]

that they may NOT UNDERSTAND one another's speech. [prevent them from continuing their self-destructive plan]

Pray the Word:
Lord, are we to believe that You were threatened by this tower of mud and slime that these men built? Or that You were afraid they would master all things and couldn’t any longer be controlled? . . . No! . . .  But for their sake, to protect them from themselves, You stopped them from destroying themselves from the face of the earth, because they were not God-enough to handle what they purposed to do. It’s still a huge mistake to keep playing ‘God’ with our lives . . . . .  thinking our own ingenuity will get us what we want. So, when You frustrate our self-destructive plans, may we say ‘Thank You, God!’

July 17, 2011

In a tight squeeze

In a tight squeeze

Song of Solomon 2:6
[I can feel] his left hand [the inferior hand - manifests God’s temporal mercies]

under my head [supports and keeps us from falling]

and his right hand [the dominate hand - manifests God’s love and grace]

embraces me! [squeezes me]

Pray the Word:
Lord, You reach out both of Your hands to us – putting Your left hand underneath us to support us and surrounding us by Your right hand to protect us. Thank You for the assurance that there’s nothing, nor no one, who can yank us out of Your hands! You have us in a tight squeeze . . . .

July 16, 2011

Winning . . . . at what price?

Winning . . . . at what price?

Prov. 16:19
Better it is to be of a humble spirit [modest, respectful, direct, sincere, lacking any form of deceitfulness]

with the meek and poor [those who don’t  seek to beat any or every opponent or enemy in a competition or fight]

than to divide the spoil [conquer and win]

with the proud. [arrogant and self-confident, which leads to carelessness of living]

Pray the Word:
Lord, in this world, the winner-takes-it-all culture is prevalent almost everywhere. But, it appears that You are warning us that there is something more to life than winning at any cost. In the long-run, A winning disposition is far better than a winning position.

July 15, 2011

Getting to where we are going

Getting to where we are going

Jn. 14: 5-6
Thomas said to Him, Lord, we do not know where You are going, [we heard what You just told us about Your Father's house, and that You’re going there to prepare a place for us - but we still don’t understand]

so how can we know the way?  [how do we get to where You want us to be?]

Jesus said to him,

I am the Way [the leader in the road, the guide to the wandering, the teacher of the ignorant, and the example to all]

and the Truth [most complete and perfect representation of things as they really are]

and the Life; [the totality of man's pursuit of relationship with God]

no one comes to the Father [to obtain His favor or to have access to His throne]

except by Me. [the only Mediator between God and man]

Pray the Word:
Lord, our greatest difficulty in receiving and understanding Your plain and unmistakable guidance for our life is for the reason that our mind is full of opposite opinions and plans, occupied with errors and vanities, wanting things to go our way. Help us to be able to lay aside our previous opinions and be willing to receive the truth . . . then, we will know where to go from here.

July 14, 2011

Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . .

Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . .

Jam. 1:23
For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, [hearing - but not practicing; theory - but no action]

he is like a man who looks carefully at his own natural face in a mirror; [his true, genuine face; in distinction from any pretended one]
For he thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off [takes a slight glance of himself, and heads off = logical self-deceit]

and promptly forgets what he was like. [when the hearing is over he forgets the spots, blemishes, and imperfections he saw - all is forgotten, convictions are lost, good affections vanish and pass away]

Pray the Word:
Lord, when we stand in front of the MIRROR of Your Word, it increases our self-understanding, and gives us knowledge and guidance for ourselves . . . for it shows us who we really are. There is no other book in the world which will do this. Your Word understands us and helps us to understand ourselves. Keep us from succumbing to logical self-deceit as we read and study Your Word to find the answers we’re looking for.

July 13, 2011

Laughing our heads off

Laughing our heads off

Gen. 18:13-14
And the Lord asked Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh, [laughed with doubt AND delight]

saying, Shall I really bear a child when I am so old? [thinking ‘this is too good to be true’; as a result couldn’t as yet find in her heart to believe it]
Is anything too hard for the Lord? [Whose power is immeasurable and beyond all belief, that it can never be thought it can be done by Him?]

At the appointed time, [that specific time which exists in-between regular time and a moment of an undetermined period of time in which something unique and special happens]

I will return to you and Sarah shall have borne a son. [God’s love reaching out to remove Sarah's unbelief, encouraging her faith in the divine promise]
Pray the Word:
Lord, we, too, go through our doubting times as Sarah did where it’s hard to believe the things You have divinely promised us. During those times, It’s hard to keep our fleshly side in its place – but It is not too hard for the Lord! It seems hard to be sweet, gracious, forgiving and loving when down inside us we know how devious, unpleasant and perverse we want to be. It’s hard for us - but it is not too hard for the Lord! There’s some task that You are now asking of us that appears impossible to perform and seems hard us -  but it is not too hard for the Lord. Help us to believe in the midst of our own seeming impossible situations . . . . .  if You have promised it to us - nothing is impossible with You!

July 12, 2011

Orders from headquarters

Orders from headquarters

Acts  8:29
Then the Holy Spirit said to Philip, [a strong impression on his mind which left him no doubt of its being from God]

Go forward [given a command – ‘Get up!  it’s time to move and here’s what you’re to do’]

and join yourself to this chariot. [unite yourself to the chariot you saw on the road at a distance, follow it, focus closely on it; and do not leave it until an opportunity of communicating with the person in it is presented]

Pray the Word:
Lord, we all have a designated objective in our life for which You are sending us forth to accomplish and it is You Who is giving us our orders – You will never send us forth at our own command. As You revealed to Philip the time to move and the exact object of his objective that had been unknown up to this time, and, then, encouraged him to expect something . . . . . we are expecting to experience the same!

July 11, 2011

Keep on stirring

Keep on stirring

II Tim.1:6
That is why I would remind you

to stir up THE FIRE OF the gracious gift of God, [rekindle the embers, fan the flame and keep burning the inner fire]

that is in you by means of the laying on of my hands [he was set apart to the work of the ministry by God and by others who recognized the gift of his calling]


Pray the Word:
Lord, whatever the gift You have given us, it’s evident that it doesn’t grow of its own accord, but we have to take care to cultivate it ourselves. Help us to not think of ourselves as valueless or insignificant lest we imprison our capacity to grow, develop, achieve and accomplish the purpose of our gift. Remind us of Your faith in us that You thought us worthy of the gift – and may we be  diligent to keep on stirring it up!

July 10, 2011

Buck up, little Buckaroo

Buck up, little Buckaroo

Jer. 12: 5
[The Lord rebukes Jeremiah's impatience, saying]
If you have raced with men on foot
[the smallest difficulties you’ve had to deal with]

and they have tired you out, [caused you to be exhausted and weary to the point of giving up]

then how can you compete with horses? [when exposed to much greater trials from enemies much more powerful]

And if in a land of peace where you feel secure, [feel confident only if you are where things are calm and friends are around you]

then what will you do in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan? [when you are alone in a time of greater opposition and have go through obstacles that are like a dense growth of tangled bushes with the lions roaring round]
Pray the Word:
Lord, sometimes we come to You very troubled about hard things that are happening to us and instead of being ‘comforted’ [pacified] as we thought we would be, You say to us buck up, little buckaroo – when you think everything’s gone wrong, remember you have Me and, together we are strong and we win!”

July 9, 2011

Speed it up . . will you?

Speed it up . .  will you?

Ps. 143: 7

Answer me speedily
, [NOW! ! !] O Lord, [or my situation may be irreparable]

for my spirit fails; [I’m exhausted and can’t hold out no longer]

hide not Your face from me, [don’t refuse or delay to look favorably upon me]

lest I become like those who go down into the pit (the grave). [ Answer me now  . . . or I’m not going to survive!]

Pray the Word:
Lord, we’re an impatient people with our lack of patience reflected in our modern culture where with every act we expect an immediate response – we’ve become a people who are annoyed, irritated and edgy if something isn’t INSTANT.  But our relationship with You, Lord, is a process that requires a patient trust that nurtures a growing love for You and a deeper understanding of Your will for our lives. Help us to have the ability to endure waiting, delay, or frustration without becoming annoyed or upset, and to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties.

July 8, 2011

Smoking oven and a burning torch

Smoking oven and a burning torch

Gen. 15: 17
When the sun had gone down [the light of day is gone – no longer could see their direction]

and a thick darkness had come on, [could not see to the end of their troubles]

behold, [look and observe]

a smoking oven [divine presence of God in the furnace of affliction]

and a flaming torch [divine presence of Jesus Christ in a dark place, shining light and giving direction]

passed between those pieces of the sacrifice. [in a blood covenant, the ones involved would kill an animal, cut it in half, join hands and walk between the animal pieces - they were declaring that if either party broke the prearranged contract, they should end up like the animal]

Pray the Word:
Lord, as with Abraham, we don’t have to walk through the sacrifice because You and Your Son, Jesus Christ, joined hands and walked through it for us, making good the agreement. The covenant curse was upon Christ, as He walked through the valley of death to offer Himself up on the altar of the Cross, taking the curses of past covenants offering Himself as the sacrifice for the blood covenant that would establish the New Covenant of salvation through grace!

July 7, 2011



Is. 1:18

Come now, [a solemn, urgent call by God]

and let us reason together, [to show, to prove, to convince - much like in a court of justice, where the parties equally state the grounds of their cause] says the Lord.

[Then God proceeds to offer the principles on which He is willing to bestow pardon on them – not at the bar of judgment, but at the bar of mercy!]

Though your sins are like scarlet, [deep red, fixed stain, which no human power could remove]

they shall be as white as snow; [back to innocence and purity]

though they are red like crimson, [less permanent color than scarlet used to dye wool]

they shall be like wool. [restored to its original undyed whiteness]
Pray the Word:
Lord, why do we keep attempting to clean up own lives? Every time we get the urge to stop doing things that are obviously hurting ourselves and others - it never seems to work. Oh, we may stop temporarily, but then another bad habit surfaces and we soon return to our old ways. But the beautiful good news of the Gospel, is that You have provided for us a way to break through the human problem to give us a changed heart and teach us a new way of living. Thank you for the Good News that we are not left in our depressing, miserable condition, but You have broken through into our lives by means of the Lord Jesus, by his death and resurrection, and are offering to make us different!

July 6, 2011

O Wise One . . . . .

O Wise One . . . . .

I Cor. 3:18
Let no person deceive himself. [convince yourself of something that is not true
If anyone among you supposes that he is wise in this world, [arrogant with vain conceit of self-importance and accumulated knowledge]

let him become a fool, [discard human perceptiveness and so appear foolish in the world's sight]

that he may become wise. [in a spiritual sense]

Pray the Word:
Lord, though we may seem foolish and ridiculous to some people, we do believe that if we will but put our intellectual pride in its place, and humble ourselves to the degree of faith to accept and embrace the offer of Jesus to reveal Himself to us – it will change our life and we will discover that we have gained the resources that will enable us to succeed in life and receive the revelation of God we so desperately need.

July 5, 2011

So . . . what are we supposed to do?

So . . . what are we supposed to do?

Matt. 26:41
All of you MUST KEEP AWAKE (give strict attention, be cautious and active)

and WATCH [not caught off-guard, ready and prepared]

, [seek help, encouragement, guidance from God]

that you may not come into temptation. [be not defeated and broken with the trials of your faith so as to deny Christ]

THE SPIRIT indeed is willing, [your desires are good and truly sincere, wanting to continue steadfast in your faith]

but THE FLESH is weak. [your good desires can be overpowered by your natural feelings]

Pray the Word:
Lord, when trials come, in OUR SPIRIT, our mind and heart is ready and willing to bear them. But, in OUR FLESH, the natural feelings of fear and uncertainty causes us to be weak. We aren’t asking that trials don’t come our way - but we ask that You provide OUR SPIRIT with Your divine help as we are careful to WATCH and PRAY.

July 4, 2011

Wake up from your stupor

Wake up from your stupor

Matt. 26:40
And He came to the disciples and FOUND THEM SLEEPING, [gave into the natural response to grief and distress of mind]

and He said to Peter, [who had just professed that he was ready to die with Him if need be]

WHAT! [expressing sad disappointment with concern]

Are you so utterly UNABLE TO STAY AWAKE AND KEEP WATCH with Me for one hour? [you don’t have the  strength to keep alert and be on guard for a short time, how unlikely it is that you would make it through the greater trials that were coming]

Pray the Word: Lord, these words strike home because we’ve had times that we’ve given into our sorrows, been overwhelmed with our miseries, and almost swallowed up with fear and discouragement. Our eyes have glazed over and our brain has gone dull while we have sleepwalked through parts of our life. We hear Your voice anew today warning us to WAKE UP FROM OUR STUPOR . . . By Your power and strength we will rise above our trials and KEEP ALERT and BE ON OUR GUARD!

July 3, 2011

Everything is beautiful . . . in its own way

Everything is beautiful . . . in its own way


He has made everything beautiful in His time. [the good-bad, pleasant-painful, easy-hard all have their proper time and place with the whole work of God for our life]

He also has set the world in men's hearts and minds [consumed with thoughts and cares of everyday materialistic concerns, that there is neither time or spirit to see God's hand in them]

so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. [men labor in vain, not knowing God's time and order only see a portion and not the whole]
Pray the Word:
Lord, You have divinely implanted within us a sense to search for ANSWERS TO LIFE beyond what we can humanly feel, sense or understand and, we have concluded,  that there’s nothing under the sun that can satisfy these cries from the depths of our heart, but You. We trust You to bring EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL in Your time.

July 2, 2011

A method to our madness

A method to our madness

II Cor. 10:3-4

For though we walk [live] in the flesh [are human and live in human bodies like other people with the same imperfections and frailties]

we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh [worldly views and policies] and using mere human weapons.

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood],

but they are MIGHTY THROUGH GOD [come from God and are lead by His might power]

for the OVERTHROW AND DESTRUCTION OF STRONGHOLDS. [places and situations where evil is deep-rooted and cannot be removed easily because it is powerfully defended.

Pray the Word:
Lord, we do not face life’s battles the same way as those who haven’t experienced the salvation of their soul through Jesus Christ. - - -  We fight in another dimension, and yet our fighting is not weak.
It is powerful.
It wins.
It succeeds.
It is mighty.
Because we have a good cause, a good captain, strength at will, and courage at hand; we need not fear our adversaries or their master.

July 1, 2011

Lion killing in the snow

Lion killing in the snow

I Chron. 11:22b
[Benaiah, because of three deeds of valor for which he was widely known throughout the nation was made captain of David’s bodyguard . . . this is one of those mighty deeds.]

Also, HE WENT DOWN [purposely engaged himself in a battle]

and SLEW A LION [found his worst possible enemy – a
very powerful, ferocious adversary]

very difficult place]

IN TIME OF SNOW. [very treacherous

Pray the Word:
Lord, we really prefer to be out where we can run from our LION-like situation à that ‘thing’ in our life that’s out to destroy us. We need and want and ask from You to give us the fortitude to be able - in our very treacherous situation, with our worst possible foe, in the worst possible place, under the worst possible circumstances - to met OUR LION in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.