December 5, 2011

Worn out!

Worn out!

Matt. 11:28

Come unto Me, [stop walking away from Me .  .  .  and come close to Me where I can wrap My arms around you]

ALL YOU THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY-LADEN, [you who are working hard at trying to perform flawlessly, literally and spiritually, so as to have approval from yourself, others and God - but are WORN OUT from your sense of personal failure and inadequacy that is stripping you bare of your self-worth]

and I WILL GIVE YOU REST. [provide a place where you are loved unconditionally, forgiven, protected, and safe!]
Pray the Word:
Lord, without intending it, we seem to project onto You (and others) how we feel about ourselves that we feel safe only when we’re seen as noble, generous and loving, free of scars, fears, and tears - perfect!   We are WORN OUT from this process and don’t have much to show for the effort except mild depression and wild anxiety. L We turn away from our works and run into Your arms where we’re assured to be loved unconditionally, forgiven, protected, and safe! 

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Thank you for reading my blog of thoughts, encouragement and instructions the Lord speaks about to me. It is simply my therapy to write down these things as I walk my journey out with Him. I would love to hear back from you. Each new day is a blessing! Dorothy