March 11, 2014

As Christ is - so am I in this world!

As Christ is, so am I in this world!

So says God’s Word: 

In this is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
1 John 4:17

Therefore, I ask myself: 

  • Does Jesus expect everything that He touches to prosper? Yes, He does! 
  • Does Jesus expect good things to happen to Him? Yes, He does! 
  • Does Jesus enjoy God’s unmerited favor? Yes, He does! 
  • Is Jesus sick and carrying infirmities? NO, He is not!
  • Is Jesus filled with guilt and shame? NO, He is not!

As Christ is, so am I in this world! 

When I think of all my faults and my failures
When I consider all the times I've let God down
I am humbled by the grace He has extended 
I'm amazed at the mercy I have found
I could never earn His love on my own
Yet every time I come before His throne

I stand redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
I stand redeemed before the great I am
When He looks at me, I sees the nail scarred hands 
That bought my liberty
I stand redeemed

Even at my best I am unworthy
I have nothing precious I can give
A broken life is all I have to offer
And yet it's a priceless gift to Him
The bitter mark of sin will never fade away But  can come before Him unashamed

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Thank you for reading my blog of thoughts, encouragement and instructions the Lord speaks about to me. It is simply my therapy to write down these things as I walk my journey out with Him. I would love to hear back from you. Each new day is a blessing! Dorothy