March 8, 2014

God's Eagles

God’s Eagles

By L. Y. Janes

God stirs the nest and makes you fly,
Then you begin to weep and cry;
His hand has failed and down you go,
With naught in sight but rocks below.

A dreadful sight and fast the fears
Take place as all hope disappears;
Oh, how you miss the downy nest,
But God has stirred it for the best.

He knows your lack of faith and trust,
He knows how for vain things you’d lust.
He knows you’d lean on men and creeds,
And would not to His Word take heed.

So from your nest He picked the down,
Left naught but thorns and briars around;
Then gladly you step on His wing, 
And to this thought you’d always cling.

But still on this you could not grow,
The way of God to fully know;
’Tis time to exercise your wings,
And get the faith that launching brings.

So—quick He lurches, down you go,
And help you cannot see or know;
Then to your wings you swiftly take, 
While fears increase, your heart to break.

Far down, down, you swiftly go, 
Until you’re near the rocks below;
Then quick beneath your trembling frame
He darts: you’re safe from care and pain.

This lesson He repeats quite oft,
Until you learn to soar aloft,
Above all troubles, trials and waves,
Until you learn Christ always saves.

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